Investor FAQs

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Where is Invivyd's corporate headquarters?
Invivyd is headquartered at 1601 Trapelo Road, Suite 178, Waltham MA 02451.
When was the company founded?
Invivyd was founded and commenced operations in 2020.
When did Invivyd go public?
Invivyd's initial public offering (IPO) occurred on August 6, 2021
When is Invivyd's fiscal year-end?
Invivyd's fiscal year ends on December 31st.
How is Invivyd's stock traded?
Invivyd is traded on the NASDAQ Global Market under the ticker symbol IVVD, and its CUSIP number is 00534A102.
Who is Invivyd's transfer agent?

Equiniti Trust Company, LLC
6201 15th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219
US Phone: +(800) 937-5449
International Phone: +1 (718) 921-8124

Who are Invivyd's independent auditors?

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
101 Seaport Boulevard
Boston, Massachusetts 02210

Who is Invivyd's legal counsel?

Hogan Lovells US LLP
1735 Market Street, Suite 2300
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Where can I get the latest corporate news releases and financial reports?
Invivyd's press release archives can be viewed here.
How can I view documents Invivyd has filed with the Securities & Exchange
Invivyd's SEC filings can be viewed here.
Whom should I contact if I have further questions?
You can submit queries to Invivyd's investor relations department by contacting